Woodshop 101 : Giveaway Instructions

With the numerous different widgets out that host giveaways it can be confusing as how to enter. Using Gleam this video shows you the quick way to enter and get all of your entries so you don't miss out on any.  

Drew and I want to take a quick moment to tell you all a heart felt Thank You for sticking with us this past year and for making this podcast a fun way of giving back information that we have learned over the years.  

We are turning 1 on Feb. 3rd and we are hosting a big giveaway to celebrate that milestone. It runs until Feb. 29th (leap year) @ 11:59pm Central time. The items up for grabs are Microjig, General Finishes, Bell Forest Products, & Rockler. Head over to www.countrysideworkshop.com/giveaway




If you would like to support the show you can head over to https://www.woodshop101podcast.com/listen find the show notes for today’s episode and there will be links for small one time donations.


I would like to remind you if you listen to the show on iTunes to please give us a 5 star rating. It helps us reach a greater audience.


If you listen to us on another medium, please stop by our YouTube Channel and subscribe. We are keeping track of our subscribers because once we reach a certain milestone we will be partnering with different companies to bring you all some great things.


You can send us an email at woodshop101podcast@gmail.com

Our Facebook is www.facebook.com/woodshop101podcast

Twitter : @Woodshop101pod

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCojHQH2cOt2w7dMRxEnBDkw

You can call our Skype name and leave us a voicemail at woodshop101podcast or give us a call on our voicemail line (409) 234-3959.