Woodshop 101 #037 : Let the Brain Storm!


Welcome to Episode #037. Tonight we are going to see where the conversation takes us as we brainstorm together.


Drew - Using the last few weeks for a time of reflection.

Jeremy - I am working on a quick Mother's Day gift made out of wood and epoxy. I have also been on the job site all week building a new back porch.

Sam - Work, Dissertation Edits, more Work, Not enough Shop Time!



Lemongrovewoodgnome (Instagram) : I heard the podcast when it was published. After listening to it, I decided to record my Craftsman style window trim build. Recording the content was such a chore that I just stopped recording and went on with the build. I give you three mad props for doing what you do in recording your content. I am pretty efficient with my time and dragging the camera around was not the business lol. I have a littler one on the way so I am fast tracking a lot of my projects and will need to find time to continue projects after my son is born. Props to the fellas for doing what you do with kids around. Much love to Sam because she's awesome to put up with you two. Have a great day!


Drew - Freud Dial-a-Width Stacked Dado Set (http://amzn.com/B000089H8P)

Jeremy - Art Resin (http://www.artresin.com)

Sam - USBeast (http://www.getusbeast.com)


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