Woodshop 101 #007 : Marc's Naked Thursdays
Today we will talk about Woodworker's Safety Day & Cabinet Construction. We are joined by The Wood Whisperer himself, Marc Spagnuolo.
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Marc - Working on the Sculpted Rocker GUILD Build.
Jeremy - Wrapping up the 11 plaques for military members.
Drew - Working on a video on how he creates vinyl decals.
Woodworker's Safety Day is May 15, 2015.
Marc, tells us the history of Woodworker's Safety Day and why he started it.
What is you #1 safety tip?
Drew - Respect the Tool.
Marc - Be 100% focused to the task at hand.
Jeremy - Don't be scared of the tool.
Scott Albrecht - coming up i have to build a entertainment center, book case and a few other cabinetry items, after i put the finishing touches on a bar i have built in my basement, what do you recomend for joinery, dadoes, rabbits, pocket holes ect, should i use hardwood for the whole thing or plywood with hardwood edging, what are you thoughts on just using plywood and vaneering the ugly edges, is there a particular finish you would recommend?
Congratulations to Jon Noell for winning the Worksharp 3000. There is a new giveaway starting May 2nd and runs through June 1st. The items up for grabs are some safety items from Fastcap & 3M. Head over to www.countrysideworkshop.com/giveaway
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How you can find out more about Marc Spagnuolo!
His website: www.thewoodwhisperer.com
His GUILD Site: www.thewoodwhispererguild.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewoodwhisperer
Podcast: www.woodtalkshow.com
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