Woodshop 101 #001 : Why another podcast?

On Today's Show

We introduce ourselves, our shops, and why we have decided to do an audio podcast.

Who We Are

Jeremy Crawford- Owns and operates Countryside Workshop. He can be found at his website www.countrysideworkshop.com, Facebook www.facebook.com/countrysideworkshop, Twitter @CountrysideWS, Pinterest Countrysidews, Instagram Countrysideworkshop, Youtube www.youtube.com/user/countrysideworkshop, or email countrysideworkshop@gmail.com.

Drew Short - Owns and operates Rock-n H Woodshop. He can be found at his website www.rhwoodshop.com, Facebook www.facebook.com/rocknhwoodshop, Twitter @RHWoodshop,  Pinterest RHWoodshop, Instagram RHWoodshop, Youtube www.youtube.com/user/rhwoodshop, or email rhwoodshop@gmail.com.

What's going on in our Shop?

Jeremy - Working on 3 different tables including a dining room table he promised his wife 3 years ago and wrapping up outdoor shutters for a client.

Drew - He just finished his plywood storage cart and is working on the video editing because that was a lot of pocket holes.

How can you reach us?

You can send us an email at woodshop101podcast@gmail.com

Our Facebook is www.facebook.com/woodshop101podcast

Twitter : @Woodshop101pod

You can call our Skype name and leave us a voicemail at woodshop101podcast